During the play, Brutus begins to show and express his love for Rome as he takes up the lead among the conspirators. Believing the fact that Rome needs Caesar gone, Brutus feels more and more patriotism towards Rome. Due to his motivator of patriotism, he feels more importance that Rome has to be kept as a republic since it is a fair way to live in a community. Also whenever he does something he always finds a good reason to make sure of himself that whatever he is doing, it is for the sake of Rome. However, this leads into Brutus tragic death as he realizes that the civil war will only end if he dies and soon he takes away his life. In the play, when Brutus had to face the Roman citizens to explain his cause on why he killed Caesar, he states that Caesar was ambitious and that this act was needed to elevate Rome from its ashes. “Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more”(Julius Caesar; Act3 scene2 lines 20~21). This quote shows Brutus’s love towards Rome and his support that he had no personal cause to spurn at him but he was a threat to the Roman Republic and that the act of stabbing Caesar was from Brutus’s patriotism. This quotation shows Brutus’s loyalty for Rome and furthermore, reflects that Brutus was a direct person who did not act for personal reasons and that he has done a deed to help Rome elevate towards the heavens. Brutus’s love for Rome is also a fact on why he feels that everybody should love their own country and that Romans are true citizens who are polite and honorable. During Brutus’ funeral speech he also states that as a Roman, killing Caesar was a noble, polite and honorable deed. “Who here is so rude, that would not be a Roman?....Who here is so vile, that will not love his country?”(Julius Caesar; Act3 scene2 lines 28~30). Here, Brutus meant that a Roman citizen who does not feel love for his country is a vile and rude person and emphasizes his patriotism. This quotation gives support of Brutus’s point of view that a person’s love for his country is very important and furthermore, any Roman who does not feel love towards Rome is not considered Roman since he/she does not recognize the importance of having citizenship for their country. Also he states that anyone who supports Caesar is a disgrace to Roman citizens but also a person who does not love his country. Through Brutus’s speech, Brutus emphasizes his love for Rome as he defends himself that the act of killing Caesar was an honorable deed to help Rome heal itself and to develop further. However for Brutus, killing Caesar was not only out of patriotism but it was an act of honor and nobility.
Brutus, who decides to stand against Caesar, has made his choice through his love for Rome and for his honor. However, these main motivators and Brutus leads him towards his tragic flaw of death. Brutus’s patriotism caused him to join the conspiracy and take away his own life, however on the opposite end, his honor, caused him to underestimate people and think highly of himself. Brutus was noble but he partially achieves his goal to save Rome from its ashes. He believed that joining the conspiracy was a deed for the sake of Rome since he strongly agreed that Rome doesn’t need a king. Here, Brutus failed to recognize his goal as a Roman patriot because never asked the Roman citizens, the true supporter of Rome on whether they would want a king to rule them or not. But nonetheless, Brutus achieved his goal at the end of the story when he realizes that killing Caesar has truly suffocated Rome and that the civil war needed to be stopped in order to heal back to it’s normal state. Knowing that the war will stop if the leader of the conspirators, technically Brutus, is dead the civil war will end with the victory of Caesar’s avengers. Even though his army will lose the war when he dies, Brutus took his life away by himself because all the wanted was Rome to heal and recover from the mess that was made. In the end, the goal of killing Caesar to flourish Rome was not a worthy act. Because the whole point of killing Caesar was to unify Rome away from the hands of a tyrant. But he and the conspirators failed to do so as the events broke out into an all out civil war, and separating Rome into pieces rather than bringing Rome together as one.